

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Interview with Author Marilyn Redmond

Hello everyone, it’s time to take an author interview and today Author Marilyn Redmond is with us. Marilyn Redmond was born in Seattle, WA and graduated from Western Washington University. She has three years of graduate work including the University of Washington. And is a retired school teacher. She is a candidate for a doctorate degree. She was ordained as a spiritual minister to do spiritual counseling along with instruction in healing, regression, past life therapy, and other related spiritual training. She continues to actively participate in courses and researches cutting edge information to help her clients. Currently, she is channeling Ascended Masters, Archangels, and your family member that have past over to the other side. Marilyn uses ground-breaking techniques as a Therapeutic Hypnosis for healing the root or origin of your problems, which removes the symptoms and heal the circumstances. Today we are interviewing her for her book "The Real Meaning of 2012"

we asked a few question to Marilyn Redmond about the book and herself, below are the answers:

  1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
When I was married, I wrote and edited my husband's newsletter for our business and enjoyed it.
 After my divorce, I was stirred to write a guest column for the local newspaper and it was published.  This inspired me to join a writers' group.  I won their international writing contest with my story, "All Time Victim",which is on my website, and I was hooked. I flew to New York to receive my poetry award.  There I heard about the Santa Barbara Writers Conference and attended the next seven years. I was a judge several years for the contests of the Northwest Writers Conference.
  1. How long does it take you to write this book?
"Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You," has taken 25 years with three major rewrites to be ready for publication.  My other books have come together quite quickly while still working on "Paradigm Busters."  My books seem to write themselves, often.
  1. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I do not keep a rigid schedule to write as I also see counseling clients, give classes, and do volunteer work besides having a significant other in my life.  I put on my calendar my appointments I have.  I then write in the open spaces of time available throughout the day, weekend or evenings. It seems to work out.
  1. What brought you to write this book?
 In meditation, about 25 years ago, Archangel Michael told me that I would write a book to bring spiritual answers to the mainstream population. 

  1. How you become a published author? Any inspiration?
I had begun writing poetry from the pain of my abusive life and how I was changing my life. I did not think of publishing anything until I took a writing class in my community.  I was sharing my work in class. The teacher was also a publisher.  One night, I got up enough courage after class to ask her if she would publish my poetry book, "Roses Have Thorns, Encouragement on evolving from pain to joy."  She agreed on the spot and said it belonged in every counsellor'swaiting rooms.  It is available on or through my website 

  1. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I write from my own experience of overcoming nine addictions, a childhood and marriage of domestic violence and rape, PTSD, depression, mental illness, Bipolar Disorder, sexual abuse, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and more.  This brought me also into understanding holistic health and spirituality that supported my recoveries.  

Because I am a medium, I am often given information to write through spirit messages.  This is the basis for my many articles on the internet. In addition, this is how my second paperback, "The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm Bringing Heaven to Earth" came about. I was told to write my information from channelling that day into a book.
When the media has information regarding certain topics, I often write to inform people of a different understanding than often presented.  People need to hear the facts.  I have the ability to see beyond the façade of many issues. I have written over a hundred articles for an online newspaper, Ground Report and several blogs.

  1. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I was sixty years old when my first book was published.  I started writing when I was in my fifties. My early writing was not for books. It was mostly articles, columnist in two newspapers (one was international), E-books, and materials for teaching metaphysical classes.
  1. What do you like to do when you're not writing
I enjoy painting portraits of people, pets, and your angels, seeing plays, golfing, being a therapist, meditation, psychic/medium, volunteer work, speaking, I am an avid reader. 
  1. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite? 
I have written eightbooks that are on including my coming one, "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You". . I am included in three anthologies about success, too. They are "The Book of Success", "Success Uncovered", and "Walking Your Life". 

They are all my children, and to pick one is tough.  "Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You" is the quintessential and comprehensive book now available with the details for "how to" achieve a higher awareness and move into inner peace. It is the guide to find heaven on earth.  It is the one Archangel Michael said I would write so long ago.

  1. What's next for you? What are you working on now?
I always have several projects on the back burner.  The next books will be a series called, "Channelling from Higher Realms", from my channelings as a medium. The channelings are available on Youtube now.  They will be published for reading the information. There will be around four or five volumes from my beginning work to the present. They will be sequential and build on each other.
I also plan a Volume 2 of "Roses Have Thorns" for another poetry book.  It will be a sequential book from the first one showing my progress into a happier life.
Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT

As an international speaker, international award winning writer, international author,international consultant, international columnist, international board certified regression therapist,  artist, and ordained minister for spiritual counseling, I share my experience, strength and hope that anyone can enrich their lives.
Web site is
Lectures, interviews and spiritual information on You Tube at   

Contact me at 253-845-4907 or

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Interview with Author Renato Rizzuti

Hello everyone... Today we are interviewing Author Renato Rizzuti for his book "Toddy the Tomcat and Other Tales". It's an  Children's Book. So, we asked Renato Rizzuti a few question about the book and himself, below are the answers:

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 

I first realized I wanted to be a writer in high school. I had some great English teachers back then who inspired me to become an English and Drama teacher and a writer.

2. How long does it take you to write this book?

When I write intensely, I lose all track of time! I would say I am a fairly quick writer because I do most of the editing in my head so that by the time the words hit the page they are somewhat “final.”

3. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

When I am writing, I love to wake up fairly early in the morning. I find that I am most creative at that time. I work all morning and might do some light organizational work after lunch. The morning is my most important “writing time” then I go on with the rest of the day.

 4. What brought you to write this book?

I had been a children’s entertainer before writing the book. I had my own clown show which toured daycares and children’s hospitals. I also did a children’s theatre tour of a children’s participation play. I played the role of Santa Claus many times at daycare centres. These experiences were very rewarding for me. When my own daughter, Rachela Rizzuti was born, I had a new audience! Rachela used to love the bedtime stories I used to improvise for her. The sound of her laughter was music to my ears! I was inspired to write the book for her and for the other children out there.

5. How you become a published author? Any inspiration?

The best way to become a published writer is to “write, write, write” and to “read, read, read.” The next step is to get “published, published, published.” Start off by getting published in newspapers and magazines. Build a body of work that proves to others that your writing is good and that more importantly proves to yourself that your writing is good. Do not be discouraged by “rejection slips.” I mean, even J.K. Rowling collected a number of “rejection slips” before finding the right publisher who believed in her and published her first book! There is a movie about her life called “Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story” which is very inspiring! Most importantly write something that has some sort of “value” to the world audience! My book’s aim was to entertain and educate!

6. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I have read a great deal of books and watched a great deal of films. Sometimes the book or film will inspire me to write something similar along the same theme. Ideas come from that magical creative space that we all have in our brains! All sorts of activities can trigger these ideas. Something like washing the dishes can trigger ideas! Make use of your every day activities that allow for creative thinking in a relaxed state of mind. Even dreaming can be a great resource for writing ideas!

One writing technique that I found useful for writing my children’s book is word association. I wanted to write in rhyme and I wanted to entertain my young audience. For example, in writing the poem “Bob the Bear” I associated “bear” with “care” and “underwear.” The words rhyme and they are funny, hence the line: “Bob the Bear does not care to ware underwear.”

7. When did you write your first book and how old were you?

When I was in high school, I filled a hard cover notebook with my poetry. I consider that my first “book.” My English teachers gave their seal of approval so that is why I consider it my first “book.”

8. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I have been a professional cook and enjoy cooking for my family. I am a professional actor and really enjoy exploring different aspects of the craft. I also love to read all sorts of genres from online blogs to Shakespeare. I also like to go to the gym to counteract all the sitting that writing and reading involves! I am an avid movie fan and enjoy watching movies and any TV series that is well written. Spending time with my family is very important and enjoyable for me!

9. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

I define a “book” as a completed manuscript that you have sent out to publishers. Using that definition, I have completed three books: a book of poetry, a book on acting and my children’s book. “Toddy the Tomcat and Other Tales” is my favourite book right now! It has been published and is written for my favourite audience!

10. What's next for you? What are you working on now?

I am working on writing material for regular posting on a website that Lucky Pineapple Books and Films has set up for me. It is a website about “Italian cooking with a side order of acting and real life.” It is at:

My second children’s book is in the planning stages with my publisher. In the meantime, I am working on promoting my current children’s book.

I am also looking to have my short film script produced. The title is “Alternative Choices” and the logline is: A young couple discuss getting married and having children but their plans change when the woman reveals a secret that she has been hiding.

I invite everybody to check out my website to learn more about me. The tagline that I use on the website is: There is an old saying: “Speak so that I may know thee. I write so that you may know me.” Anybody wishing to contact me about the book, the website or my film script is cordially invited to contact me via the contact information at:

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