

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Interview with Author Coach Derz

Hello everyone, check out this interview I did with Coach Derz and his new book "the manifestation of affirmation".

At what point did you realize you wanted to write this book? 

-       I’ve wanted to write a book for a couple of years now. It wasn’t until this year though, that I committed to an abundance mentality. Prior to that it would simply come in waves, from one goal to the next. I committed to the process this spring and finally put pen to paper and decided that if this process has done so much for me, I can only imagine what it will do for others!

How much time did you put into writing Manifestation Of Affirmation?

-       I’ve put my whole adult life into this book. I have applied each of the principles and anecdotes in this book somehow some way, each and every day. It wasn’t until this year that I committed myself to getting it all down on paper, and began the process of getting it out to the masses. Whether you apply one principle, or all of them, it will do nothing but enhance the way you live your life for the better.

How did you manage your time while writing the book and managing Crossfit PHX?

-       When I wasn’t coaching or training, I was cultivating thoughts and journaling the process for the Manifestation of Affirmation. There were many nights in which I would work into the wee hours of the morning, making sure that the message was clear and concise so that application and adherence was that much easier for those being exposed to this information for the first time.

What was your inspiration for writing the book?

-       As I look back on all that I have been through, and all that I have accomplished as a result, the Laws of the Universe, the Law of Attraction, the “Secret” have always been present. Through many years of deep self-work and soul searching, I have become present to the manifestation of my deepest desires. It is a process that we are all in control of. Each of us has the power to choose, and make decisions that either hold us back, or launch us forward. The application of the principles within this book, as I have applied them, has lead me to where I am now, and allowed me to be present in each and every moment, that is the effect that I want it have on those who read and apply them too.

Are there any authors in particular that gave you the inspiration to write your own book?

-       Oh my goodness, so many. Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Pink, Grant Cardone, Depak Chopra, John C. Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, Paulo Coelho, Tim Ferriss, and Michael Gerber, just to name a few. The list is quite extensive. I read constantly, as it facilitates perspective and new thoughts with and every book.

When you realized your love for fitness, was becoming a published author one of your goals?

-       No. Writing a book has been a very recent goal for me. I’ve written and been published before. However, I have recently held the company of some of the most enlightened people I have ever met. In this circle I noticed that we subscribe to much of the same thoughts, lifestyles, and share very similar perspectives on this life. Through this revelation, I decided that there was something there that needed to be shared on a massive level. We all come from very different places, and yet, we think so much alike. ANYONE can apply these principles.

Aside from sharing your perspective with others, what are some things that you are passionate about?

-       Obviously fitness. Leadership is something that I am extremely passionate about: both as a follower seeking new knowledge, and as mentor guiding my apprentices and new coaches though the trials of life, fitness and business.

-       My colleague Jeff and I recently started a podcast, “Feed Me, Fuel Me” in which host a number guests and discuss any and all of these four pillars of a life positively manifested: Fitness, Nutrition, Business/Entrepreneurship, and Manifestation.

What’s next for you? Do you see yourself writing any more books in the future?

-       Because of this abundance mentality, in some circles called the obligation to “Say Yes”, I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities for business and experience. I have recently signed on with an amazing performance technology that will revolutionize the world of functional fitness as we know it. It will allow coaches and trainers the opportunity to accurately scale clients, members, and athletes’ intensity, without giving up the movement protocol prescribed, as a means to preserve optimal performance over the long term.  It’s still “hush hush” right now, but I can assure big things are coming!!

Book Link