

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Interview with Author Nicole S Brown

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Ans. => I wanted to become a writer once people started to like my writing.

2. How long does it take you to write a book?
Ans. => It takes 1-6 months to write a book.

3. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Ans. => I work full time as a teacher when I’m not writing,

4. What brought you to write this book?
Ans. => I was facing some difficult times.

5. How you become a published author? Any inspiration?
Ans. => I saw an ad on Facebook on how to become a self-published author.

6. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
Ans. => I obtain information for books from prior knowledge and experience.

7. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Ans. => I published my first book on November 21, 2009. I was 31 years old.

8. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Ans. => I like to sing, go shopping, read, spend time with my family and watch Netflix.

9. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?
Ans. => I have written 11 books. My favorite is Life Support.

10. What's next for you? What are you working on now?
Ans. => More writing is what’s next for me. I’m working on the book Many More School Days, Holidays, and All Days That Lie Between which will hopefully be published by spring 2018.

Click HERE to visit the author page on Amazon

Monday, June 12, 2017

Interview with Author A J King

**Author Peek** INTRODUCING….Author A J King


Q What inspired you for this book?
A.I always wanted to write something about time-travel as it’s something that fascinates me, that’s how the first part of the Power Vested in Me trilogy The Gatherers came about. This book, part two rejoins the characters on their journey, this time through a dream world The Land of Nod – which turns out to be the zodiac. My inspiration is that I get to show two aspects of their lives, their adventures and their real lives and how one impact’s on the other. This is something that affects us all, we have our families and we have our ‘day job’.

Q. What was the hardest part of creating this book?
A. Book 2 just grew and grew so I was considering chopping bits out until someone suggested I make it into two parts thus making it the four book trilogy. The hardest bit about writing it was getting it finished to a deadline at one point I literally stayed awake for twenty four hours to get it done.

Q. What do you hope people gain from reading it
A. I hope it makes people think. The Stardust (the five teenage protagonists) have many experiences which lead them to having to make many decisions. I would like this to make readers reflect upon what their own decisions would be in these circumstances.

Q. What are your ‘secret powers’ and some you wish you had?
A. If I have a secret power its that I have dreams that come true (sometimes this is awful). If I could have any secret power it would be the ability to make people tell the truth –because after all honesty is the best policy.

Q. Did you get any ideas for your books from your own dreams?
A. Not really no but the code that the reader needs to break actually came from a quite persistent ‘message from the grave.’

Q.  Why should we buy your book?
A. Well the readers will be used to me putting in riddles (but I always give them the answers to these) however with book 2,  I have hidden a couple of clues in the dialogue and given them a code to crack. To be honest I don’t think anyone will be able to do it – so they should buy the book and prove me wrong.

Click HERE to visit the amazon page

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Interview with Author Andreas Herteux

**Author Peek** INTRODUCING….AuthorLucie Babikian

  1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Ans. =>
Thanks for the question. I have already started to write at a very young age. Maybe 15 or 16. However, I still do not see myself as an author.. I am more someone who also writes. But that’s enough for me.

  1. How long does it take you to write this books?
Ans. =>
This is very different. However, I believe that I need more time for the readjustment than for the writing itself.To write something and to be content with it are two different things.

  1. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Ans. =>
I dont have any. When it comes, it comes. It only has to be reconciled with my other life.

  1. What brought you to write this book?
Ans. =>The idea to answer a deep question from the perspective of a child: The questions about what love is. To the child came a speaking raven. So we have not only the child's vision, but also that of an animal outsider. Perfect to clarify what love is, right?

  1. How you become a published author? Any inspiration?
Ans. =>I had no inspiration, but the curiosity to try. My first publication in a book was in the beginning of the 2000s in an anthology. I believe a competition.Then for years nothing more.
In 2013 a publisher came to me and I was very interested in my diploma thesis. I had dealt with political marketing and made certain predictions that had arrived. After the first book was published, others followed. You get used to it quickly.

  1. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
Ans. =>
I am lucky to have much nonsense in my head. It is not hard to get new ideas.
It is harder to sell them

  1. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Ans. =>
I think this was really the anthology I mentioned, with which I had a tiny side. How old was I? 22? Before and after, however, I wrote for newspapers from time to time.

  1. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Ans. =>
Working on other things, spending time with my loved ones and sometimes sports.

  1. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?
Ans. =>
In total there are 5 published books in different versions. However, all in German. One was translated: the star child and the raven.
Which is my favorite? Should n’t we love all of our children? Even those who have minor flaws?

  1. What's next for you? What are you working on now?
Ans. =>
I am preparing some new books and writing articles from time to time. In addition, I am developing a model to solve urgent problems of humanity. Think, I've got to do with that. At least a bit.

  Click HERE to visit the amazon page.