Hello everyone... Today we are interviewing Author P M Thomas for his book "The Woman and The Boy". It's an Erotica suspense with sexy affair and a passionate love. So, we asked P M Thomas a few question about the book and himself, below are the answers:
1. When did you first
realize you wanted to be a writer?
Ans. => When I was
a teenager, I developed a taste for writing at 16 when I wrote my first ever
screenplay, a sequel to the 1987 cult horror “Hellraiser”, it was a terrible
script and my youth showed in the style, format and the plot. But it was a
start and it laid the groundwork for me to shape up my writing skills to what
they are now. Writing is like a journey, and you grow wiser to yourself and the
art of crafting a story as you go along.
Ans. => It varies
on the story, my one book “The Blade Warrior”, a fantasy epic in the style of
an 80s sword and sorcery movies took me a whole year to write. Other more
shorter books like “Zombie Forest”, a homage to 80s European horror movies took
me over a month to write.
3. What is your work
schedule like when you're writing?
Ans. => I'm a
workaholic, I try to get as much work done as possible. I write as much as I
can in the morning, have a break in the afternoon, then carry on writing from
late at evening to the night.
4. What
brought you to write this book?
Ans. => I was asked
my someone very dear and very special to me, Margie Newton, a great Italian
actress well known by cult movie enthusiasts as the star of the 1980 zombie
movie “Hell of the Living Dead”, she had this story in mind, about a mature
woman and a younger boy who meet and begin a wild love affair that ends in a
tragedy, and with the woman distraught over their relationship ending, has to
rise from the ashes of her own despair like a phoenix, stronger then she's ever
been before.
Based on her
storyline, I crafted an erotic love story with a difference “The Woman and The
Boy “, it's basically like a great play in novel form, the main inspiration was
the works of Anthony Shaffer and Harold Pinter with sharp dialogue and a deep
focus on the human psyche. On the surface it is an erotic story about a mature
erotic author who meets a handsome young man at a book signing, and takes him
home to engage in a passionate night session. However, as they start getting to
know each other, they discover that there is more to this than a one night
stand. They are kindred spirits, two souls that have missed so much in the
world due to one being a writer and the other a student, and are in need of
some kind of deeper fulfilment in life, and as they develop a wild and
beautiful love affair, they finally find happiness with each other by
fulfilling their deepest desires, sharing their inner most sexual fetishes and
satisfying their newfound lovers thus giving them a purpose and making their
lives complete. But there's much more to it than just sex scenes, it is a deep
character study. The sex is a form of therapy, a part of their nature, it
defines them and brings them together. But like all good things, it must come
to an end and when it does, it sees them both making drastic changes in their
own lives and for the lives of their other half. Deep inside, it is a story of
finding your way in life.
5. How you become a
published author? Any inspiration?
Ans. => I became a
published author thanks to a fellow author Davie Graham, writer of the popular
“Silent Blade Chronicles” fantasy series on Amazon, if I hadn’t met him, I
would have never have got in touch with publishing house Ecanus who released by
first professional novel “Humanity Lost” last year and got the ball rolling, I
am very grateful to him and Ecanus for that,
6. Where do you get your
information or ideas for your books?
Ans. => A vareity
of things, sometimes things in the world gives me ideas, sometimes it's a film
or a book, sometimes it's from my own imagination in overdrive creating a
possible new idea to delve into. There are endless sources to create ideas,
many times they come to you when you least expect it.
7. When did you write
your first book and how old were you?
Ans. => This story
is becoming quite famous with my origin. I wrote my first book at 16 after dropping
out of college, an awful experience that was (college, not writing the book).
It was a gritty urban splatterpunk novel called “Warriors of the Night”.
Looking back at it now, it’s evident how inexperienced I was as a writer then,
I still cringe at it. The book is a crazy, gonzo mess of different genres all
thrown into a blender to make one insane story. It would be nice to have it
published just as a curiosity, but I think the outlandish gore puts publishers
off, Ecanus included. Maybe one day it might be possible for authors to see the
origin of a budding young author and see the difference between it and my later
work as an adult. It would probably make an entertaining read, one of those
books in the style of a cult b-movie that would’ve been shown on BBC’s
moviedrome with Alex Cox. A privilege that would be.
8. What do you like to do
when you're not writing?
Ans. => I usually
try to unwind and take my mind off writing for a little bit, I sit back, listen
to some music to relax, play a videogame to keep my fingers busy or watch a
film to get my creative juices flowing for any possible future ideas.
9. How many books have
you written? Which is your favourite?
Ans. => I have
written 12 at the moment. I'd have to say my favourite would be “The Woman and
The Boy”, it was a fun experience writing it and an honour to create a story
for the one and only, Margie Newton. A chance like that doesn't happen very
10. What's
next for you? What are you
working on now?
Ans. => I've currently published my latest
novel “Mutilator from the Grave”, based on a gory splatter film I have produced
of the same name, written and directed by Alex Wesley, a good friend of mine in
Russia who has made many cult splatter films in his homeland. The film is part
of his upcoming masterpiece, an anthology of the macabre that doesn't shy away
from the red stuff.
Mutilator from the Grave, both the film and
the novelization are a horror love story about a loving couple who are
separated and killed under a tragic and unjust circumstance. The boyfriend
returns from the dead as a vengeful zombie hell bent on avenging his girlfriend
and his own murder, only then can they find peace. It's kind of like what would
happen if The Crow was mixed with a slasher, torture movie.
As for new projects, I'm working on a romantic
thriller about a loving wife who is enduring terrible abuse at the hand of her
bitter husband, angry at the world that wronged him and using her as a means of
venting his frustration. Desperate to escape, she meets a man who is in love
with love itself, he frees her from her cold husband and gives her a warmth she
had forgot existed. It all seems set that the two are going to start a new life
together, but there's only one obstacle that stands in their way to happiness,
her ex-husband bearing a murderous grudge.
Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/5667552